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energy mastery

Tips on Navigating these Changes with inner Mastery


Tips on Navigating these Changes with inner Mastery

Hello friends!
Hope you enjoyed the energies of the full moon, lunar eclipse yesterday!
It went full at 1:11pm CDT and the partial eclipse was at 1:22pm. 11 minutes of pure full moon. Master numbers and new alignments. Solar eclipse on the 21st is going to be profound. 

Like many of you, these energies have given me a space to stop and reassess everything about my path; what my dreams are, what is getting ready to come to harvest and what can be tilled under to feed new dreams.

"Does it grow corn?"

This is a great analogy for us, especially now. With the increase in vibration that we are experiencing (some more aware of it than others), deeper and more subtle levels of our own soul's energy are awakening and becoming activated. It's time to harvest the wisdom of what we have experienced, save the kernals that will help us grow new dreams and till under the rest, let it go and go into dreaming a new dream for our selves and our world.

We are receiving new directions from our soul and these new energies are beginning to anchor into our energy fields and bodies. They are electric, magnetic and quantum based, opening up new opportunities, gifts and levels of awareness about our connection with Creation. Things we never considered before or understood can become more clear in a flash. We are beginning to open to the quantum nature of this human experience.

This can be disorienting, exhausting, exhilarating and deeply shaking if you're not taking time to just rest as much as possible, take a good look at your Life, cleanse out what no longer fits, release fear-based thoughts, judgements about self and others and allow for the next opening to occur. Vibrationally being neutral, peaceful and as calm as possible (especially during the Life storms that are happening with so many!) can make all the difference in your overall health and choices. 

From this inner space, the new openings can happen without being interfered with by fear, judgement and anything else that tangles your energy into discord.

Deep memory awakening

These are powerful times and can be both chaotic as we release past identities, entrained value systems, past relationships, jobs and ways of seeing our place in the universe and have the courage to open to the new earth that is emerging within us. 

We are beings of Light, emanations of the Creator. We are here now, on this planet to BE that, in each and every breath and moment that we can. The most gentle way to be that Light that we are all made from, is to be in the literal vibrational energy of our deepest joys.

A teaching I often share in sessions is "Be the vibration of that which you seek". Literally, regardless of your situation, we each have the ability to master our own personal energy.
Throwing away all the judgements and outer perceptions of what we 'should' be and what society has entrained us to be, and learn to decipher for our selves, just what it is that we want to experience in each new moment.

"Being free from becoming" - Jim Carrey

"Being free from becoming" is a quote I saw last night, from Jim Carrey's paintings (he continues to surprise me with his growing awareness). But feel that in your body  for a second. Take a moment and be the vibration of that energy.  "Being free from 'becoming'..."
Last night, during another 'wide awake at 3am' moment, I saw that. It stopped me in my tracks. 

Sessions that can help navigate these changes

Along with many other non-traditional tools used in sessions, I often teach how to align with the "divine intelligence streaming" with the a Star Trek visual, where they're in the 'beam me up Scottie' moment of being bathed in sound and Light then transformed and transported to another physical space. Masters that have walked and still are walking the earth do this.

If we imagine our selves immersed in this divine Light, As this Light, Light activated, and if we allow the space of this subtle drenching of our cells to be bathed and filled again into their remembering, our deeper senses will awaken. Our deeper knowing becomes more clear. Just BE. Just Being and breathing right now, even for a few seconds at a time helps us release the entrainments and programmings we've been raised with.

This doesn't take hours of meditation. Very few have that kind of time. It takes an internal choice to align with what I often call the "deep river of Light" that carries our soul experience forward and the "tow rope of Light" that keeps us upright as we navigate this new territory. Kind of like water skiing but most of us don't see the boat that is guiding us along. Breath rhythms and just 'Being' in each moment helps us connect more deeply with what is optimal for us now. Again, it's a courage of a different kind to navigate this journey.

In sessions I'll often refer to these shifts as fixing or upgrading a car while it's being driven down the highway. It takes a lot to maintain "normal" balance during these times. Staying balanced and rested makes all the difference.

In-person "Deep-Soul" sessions include both tools to navigate these changes with mastery and "table time". The combination has served to help so many over these past few decades. I also now do phone and skype sessions as well. Please email me for further details.

My clients and friends find their most subtle energies get balanced, deep triggers are healed and they feel a deeper peace and inner strength emerge. Clarity and readiness for this next phase of their journey also begins to take form.

If  you'd like to set up a session, click here to
email me and we'll get you ready for this next phase. I'm in Nashville on Wednesdays and some Saturdays.

To your health, well being and sweet journey.
In peace and beautiful magic.

~Veronica O'Grady