How to use waves to change your reality.
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There's nothing like it - literally. The power vibrations of sacred songs that re-ignite our ancient memories, coursing through your body and spirit, is an ecstatic state of being. Every letter in every language, every sound uttered or thought, carries with it a history that is just as physical as our body, and an even deeper ability to profoundly change our reality in any given moment. The frequencies we resonate are experienced on some level by all - whether they are conscious of it or not. Vibrations move. By their nature, they move. Even in the silence there is a stillness that dynamically sings. It all depends upon how sensitive or aware we are about the more subtle energies that resonate within each of us, and all Creation - and how we choose to interact with it all.
Connecting through mantra, with the sacred divine energy that we literally are, brings "home" to our natural selves. Mantras awaken it, focus amplifies it. When thought becomes sacred sound, the home of our soul merges within us. The deep, infinite memory comes in through the door of sound as we sing their sacred frequencies of Oneness awake. Sound with focused intent, prayer or feeling makes it happen exponentially more than dumbed down, engineered thoughts most of us have been entrained to believe are original (from us) and real. Sacred sounds, like ancient, activating mantras get you through the entrainment circuits in your brain, to the sacred silence that is symphonic and ecstatic. With this, your body and consciousness instantly respond (and celebrate!).
The music that moves your soul and spirit into an elevated state of "inspiration", is our divine home calling us to remember our magnificence. It helps us welcome in the divine Light, or more so, our selves As divine Light itself. It is our creativity and ability to birth entirely new ideas and understandings that we were never formally "taught" in our "education" systems.
Accessing the Infinite
Streaming with the knowing that there is only Oneness, and we are continuously and endlessly bathed in it whether we know it or not, Love is the core frequency of that Oneness that weaves us, and connects us. It is what we were born from and what we go back to after this journey. It is what gives Life, breath, color, compassion, laughter and more, to our unique expression of the Creative force. We are children of the divine Creative force of Life in form. The sacred pulsing of our magnificent divinity is coursing through us. Many usurpers on this planet have created a distopian reality that is on this planet right now. Who benefits is always the deeper question and usually it's not, 'we the people". Their distopian commandeering of real history, the elements, food, music, videos are all engineered strategies to lower the vibration of human consciousness and has made many forget their magic. With this many have forgetten their spark, and worst all what inspires their soul to express its uniqueness often is tainted by the belief that they can't or shouldn't achieve it. However, Living in "real time" with total flow is still our natural reality and the home we all long for. The fullness of merging with this reality trumps all other realities because it is authentic and your soul know what truth is. What if learning to access the infinite, as mentioned in the schools below, was what was taught to all? As we rise in frequency, much is changing. Our entire view of health and "education" is already changing.
Mantra is a Calling Answered - A Circuit Activated
It is a reaching, then a becoming and then being the experiences of being "no-thing" and all, as you merge with Oneness. Mantra is beyond thought, beyond emotions and brings you directly into a state of being so fulfilled and full of the vibration of Creation as it runs through you, it's truly ecstatic.
Each mantra activates a different, elevated circuit or brain state, then strengthens those circuits and awakens deeper levels of awareness and natural gifts. The sacred Hindu Vedas contain original vibrations of Creation (they were "heard" not remembered") as they began to be understood by the highly gifted master Rishis who could hear and interpret these levels of divine consciousness. Singing mantras can help heal deep disconnects within our psyche. Singing mantras, especially with a group of people, connects, lifts, heals and enLightens the hearts of those experiencing them. We are lifted back into the more natural states of being as we go deeper into song. These activations reconnect us with "home" again and show us how to go back to stay centered and balanced throughout our days. There is also the "symphony of silence" that sings with our souls as we bridge to it. It's all right there. Breathe takes us there. Sound connects us. Song and especially sacred mantras unite us.
It's time to unlearn Everything that we've ever been taught about reality, including old breath patterns. The awakening is now. Sacred friends, consider the entrainment that we are all blindly indoctrinated into: beliefs about what is accepted as reality by the engineered, unconscious consensus of the collective. Imagine if we were born into a completely different kind of reality where all the goodness really IS real! Imagine it. Feel it!! Where your nature is not injured, scarred, wounded or disconnected in any way from our "outer Life". Learning is elevating and uniquely natural to your soul. There are no grades and there is only real Life Living. Learning by Living, Loving and being in the experience of the beautiful heart connection with others. Imagine the music of this kind of reality singing through you. It lifts you, carries you, and helps you heal and connect in authentic, soulful ways with each other. This is not the fantasy that we've been told by the present reality engineers that it is. It is a real, Living, breathing, functioning reality that we have only to open our own inner vibrations and circuits to accepting. Little by little, we can vibrate this reality into being. "Vibe your tribe" is a real thing!
"You Must Sing to Heal"
"You must sing to heal" is a directive I received in May 2018 when healing some pretty deep physical "stuff". It was just tonight (7/15/2018), while listening to the "Ang Sang Wahe Guru" mantra for the first time (at 3 am), a message came through, clear as crystal. It was within the first 10 seconds and the message was: "Mantra is the way home." "Sing to heal"..of Course! To connect and be bathed in the blissfulness as we go about our days would be great! Especially in traffic and stressful situations. Tuning in to the circuit within can help us remain balanced in our breath and respons-abe instead of reactive.
Sound as a Sacred Science of Relationship And Elevated Awareness
Most of us know by now that sounds are powerful. Tones of voices, sounds of all kinds can uplift or devastate us. Long ago, in the movie, "Hoffa" (a movie I'd normally never watch but kept getting the "Cosmic tug" to watch it, there was a line that said, "Don't worry. He's got the words but he ain't got the music!" Profound. The frequencies we carry transmit and receive in real time, whether through words, or the non-verbals that reflect what we carry within. If we believe in our selves and trust Life, even when facing total unknowns and challenges of Life and people, and if we really learn how to tune in to literally listen to our innate intelligence, that needs no formal schooling to understand, then we begin to birth a new reality from within us. Our Lives will begin to change as we bridge into the authentic Lives our soul craves.
Sound is our natural connection. "We are a people who sing" from Morgan Llewellyn's book, "The Druids". It is our nature. In that space of sacred chanting, as we tune in with "empty"/no thoughts and the innate breath that frees us from tensions, worries and fears, we merge with the divine Oneness and realize we really are all one. Unique in our expression of the Oneness and creating from the depth of our connection of this Oneness. What a journey back home! From this space, emerges much "magic" in the form of direct answers, unexpected insights, new depths of awareness and understanding. Wisdom, peace, compassion, detached connectedness and heart-filling soulfulness awakens. Better flow begins and Life has a new elevated rhythm to it.
Its time my friends. Time to find our songs. Whether its our personal medicine song, that is our soul's song that rings through Lifetimes and dimensions. (In the space of no-thingness, this song can arise if we consistently allow our selves to be with the intent of receiving it, in our daily practices. It may take time but it comes eventually. The feeling it brings is like home being remembered and Lived once again. Medicine songs, mantras, sound vibrating through us..silently or out loud, it's the bridge that connects.
Bliss really is the goal.
The ecstatic state of divine union and as the Oneness itself, breathing, singing, moving, creating, releasing, flowing, leads us on the unfolding path before us. We are divinely ecstatic in the present experience when we feel that connection. It is so physical and so blissful. ("Samadhi" is what many call it). We can carry it as much as we can each day and be glad when we remember to open to it to whatever we are able to in each new moment. When we come out of that state (maybe while driving or getting through stressful days), we do our best to realign with it, as much as we can.
Something to Consider
What if this state of being was our natural reality that we were all born into? Even as we work, songs can create elevated states of being and more authentic, mature relationships based upon integrity. There are many ways to connect on quantum levels with the divine as we go through our days. Through elevated music, reawakening water's memory and magnetism, creating "Light songs" (literally the 'recipes' or symphonies created by tones of Light), or fragrance that carries us to elevated states once more of our natural, innate senses are awakened. Newly discovered senses and abilities begin to emerge and bring us to much higher states of awareness, where we can create an entirely new reality.
What if the science of sound and of Light was what was taught in schools? And, how to instantly access the Oneness for any of Life answers and abilities? Learning self-mastery of energy is taught instead of the "dumbing-down" of humanity with regurgitation of false facts made to be assumed as real or educational. The present educational system was set up in the mid-1800's, to mimic the Prussian military system and create biobots that would be good workers. That time is ending.
There are already "schools" set up in many countries that have been teaching children this way. These children and young adults can pull facts, solutions to complex scientific and Life problems and so much more, right "out of thin air" because the answers are all there, alive in real time. What we've been taught about our "lace of" powerful ancient abilities is all wrong. The sacred Indian Avatar, Sri Paramahamsa Nithyananda, who is a true incarnation of super-consciousness that has come to wake people back up to their powerful sovereignty, teaches this to the young "balasants" (child saints) of the Nithyananda Peetham in Bangalore, and he is powerfully reawakening so many across the planet to our own true, super-consciousness. The Russian Tekos Forest School, based upon Anastasia's teachings in "The Ringing Cedar Series" have been teaching similar processes as well. Both are training the adults to train the children, so all are benefiting and changing the course of human evolution. The masters are here. We are indeed the unexpected ones we've been waiting for and as Kryon said, "The youngers are now the elders. Listen to them." And on we breathe my friends! Breathe in the rhythms and sing the songs that wake you up and bridge us all back to the new levels of becoming once again, the powerful, magical beings that we already are.
In Peace & game-changing Love,
© Veronica O'Grady 7/15/2018 All rights reserved
It's time. Ready or not my friend, the change we've been preparing for, for eons is now here - and how we guide our inner thoughts can make all the difference in the kind of journey we will create. Most of us know this but what may not be as obvious is where the subtle discord "hides out" in our inner systems and energetic structures. The bio-chemistry, the amplitude of electric-like energy our body can conduct and utilize, the ability of cells to fully function and so much more; all affected by our attitudes, beliefs and everything buried within - fears, emotions, angers, grieving not released etc. Our ability to connect with and open to these sub-quantum planes of creation where the realities we truly want to resonate with are impacted as well. The more clear our inner most subtle terrain, the more easily our outer reality can manifest.
Perception is not truth
Perception is not truth. It is information. It is colored by lifetimes of experiences and imprints. Many people can witness the same event yet translate it completely differently, based upon their perceptions. How we use our perception to frame our reality or our ways of inter-acting with Creation, literally creates the road of a reality we will travel upon. Where do you come from, from within when inter-acting with Life? Like a hub of a bicycle wheel where we are in the center as a soul and the spokes represent different unfolding possibilities based upon the resonance or vibration we carry within. From our central inner hub vibration, a connection to the resonant spoke (reality) opens, like a door. The inner alignment we vibrate as, is literally made up of specific frequencies of our choosing. Conscious about them or not, they vibrate, we align and the door opens. Change your vibration and you change your reality. "Decide." is a word I've had over my door for years. It has a period at the end of it too. Each moment is a new opportunity to re-align with a preferred reality. Each breath, a new beginning.
Heaven on earth - You choose
With the coming changes that this new energy that has already birthed, so many assumptions we've utilized will change. Even for the seasoned Lightworker (maybe even especially for the seasoned Lightworker), new ways of being are unfolding. New events and "opportunities for growth" on new dimensions of our energy. "How much heaven on earth can you stand?" is a directive I was given long ago. Re-aligning through our breath, structural anatomy, choosing how we interact with the consciousness of Life is going to become increasingly more important.
What to do?
When in an unpleasant or even frightening reality, changing our inner frequencies, cleaning them up allows other spokes or higher vibrational realities to resonate and unfold. It may take some time but the clarity and "totality" of our focus can help us unweave the old choices we've made. It's like a lock and key system. It's simple but not always easy to remember or navigate. Based upon the quality and totality of our inner frequencies patterns, the corresponding realities that match those frequency patterns will show up. Resonance. Whether you are aware of those vibrating inner beliefs and perceptions or not, it doesn't matter. And so begins a deeper level of the journey..
Breath, skeletons and music
Our breathing patterns affect and are affected by this inner reality. So does the way we hold our skeletal system. The positioning of your skeletal structure creates geometric, base frequency patterns that are all part of the orchestra of our systems in this reality. Geometry is the physical form of frequency. Geometry becomes reality and a base for brain state patterns. Geometric form comes to conscious Life in our human form. There is so much more to us than we are taught and it impacts the quality, length, fulfillment and connectedness of our everyday Lives.
Until the next time and looking forward to meeting you further along on the road!
May your journeys be sweet, your breaths be easy and unencumbered, and may all you cherish Live fully in your inner being and outer realities.