What does that mean? "Being Heaven". Long ago while reading a book with my daughter in our living room, I heard what is best known as a 'squishy' sound. As I looked down at my forearm that was gently wrapped around her while we snuggled on the couch. While holding part of the book, I saw Light filling up all the nooks and crannies of my inner arm. Imagine the most buttery leather glove that is made for your hand. Your hand slips into it with ease and the suppleness of the glove feels like it was made for this moment. That's what this felt like. The Light that was filling up my forearm felt so supple and free, joyful and knowing. I saw this Light filling up my forearm and hand until it was full. "Heaven on Earth" is the phrase that came to me. As we sat there reading the story, I was suddenly aware that my physical body had a consciousness of its own - not just that the body has its own intelligence with many energetic patterns and symphonies that flow elegantly together, it had a real-time, in the moment kind of concsiousness.
These kinds of visions happen often and bring deeper Life teachings wtih them. As I went on with the day and considered the visual and message I'd heard, the next part came to me. "How much heaven on earth can you stand?"
As that question rose up from within, the music of my soul became louder. That's the only way I know how to describe it. I could see and sense multiple levels of connection, interaction and relationships of my soul (my "heaven" frequencies and octaves), and my body (my "earth" frequencies and octaves).
Sound, communications, quality of relating with each other, where there were weakenesses and strengths of these interactions, which were in optimal wholeness and which weren't. It was as we were doing our everyday work, that the integration of this message anchored in. Flashes of visuals, sound, understandings and much more happened in the background of making dinner, homework with my daughter, doing laundry etc.
This is how these things happen many times. In our everydayness of Living. The deeper subtleties can emerge if you know they are there. Many call it intuition to start with and that is always a good place to begin. To learn to Listen..to Listen to your inner knowing that has an intelligence of it's own. One that is not taught in schools or in religions of the day. Connection with your innate, natural divine consciousness can happen suddenly or with practice. How to practice to experience this? Many ways. One teaching I often share is "feel your way forward". Literally listen to your body's reactions to different things that happen during your days. Events, thoughts, memories, dreams, inter-actions with people - all of these involve your body and it has it's own relationship with the divine being that you are. It has it's own ability to communicate information with you if you can listen and discern.
At first, to be clear on what that experience is like, there may be some unweaving of beliefs, assumptions and entrained teachings until you find your own inner, unique voice of Light.