It's the Clarion call my friends. It's time. Can you feel it? How do you feel about it? 

For those of us who’ve walked this path long before many even knew there was a path to walk. For those of us who’ve carried this energy, this boat of Light through the eons of time and worlds of the earth. For those of us who've persevered through it all and grew worn and weary, like battle-worn warriors who barely have enough energy to raise their head for all the exhaustion, heart break and devastation we've seen...There's more. And it's good.

There's more my friend. Listen. 

For many of us, our physical bodies have taken a toll for the energetic weight that we've been carrying. For many, it's just become too hard to feel inspired, too hard to have hope and too exhausting to care about health and balance anymore. We're just too tired. I hear you. I understand. 

When our inner Light gets refracted, distracted and torn in so many different "emergency level" directions, guess what happens? We no longer have the core Light strength, the core energy to aim at what we actually do want to make happen. It's that simple. With so much happening for so many, most of us know people who are going through hard times. There truly is an engineered reality bent upon taking us down. Know that, and if you don't believe it, that's fine. This article may not for you then. With much respect for each path, I move on to address those of us who know what I'm talking about.

This sandbox has been lonely for a long time and now it no longer is. Thankfully, many more have awakened to other levels of reality and other levels of both, the "ick's" ability to affect those who are unaware that those subtle levels of energy and consciousness even exist, as well as our ability to transcend it all while staying real, grounded and aware. The sleeping ones often become pawns because of immature assumptions about who designed our reality and their agendas.  

Back to the topic. Awaken your inner fire. When you can barely crawl and are just numb and going through the motions. When you have no joy, no hope and no real inner sense of anything good happening in this world anymore, how do you get it back? When you're just too exhausted, what do you do?

Here a few things I've learned and would like to pass them along to you. They may help make the journey a bit easier to navigate. As always, whatever resonates may it help you on your journey. I celebrate deeper Light awakening together and cherish it. If it doesn't resonate, may you let it go "down the river" and continue on your beautiful journey, finding what inspires you. We're all in this together.  

First, Gather the Light, YOUR Light. Like making positive deposits in your Light energy account. Whatever brightens you, lifts you, inspires you, makes you feel good and rocks your world, THAT is what to do, be, allow, breathe in and embody, regardless of what any body says. Even if in 3-5 minute crunches of time, gather your Light back. Look at where you've let it go or where it felt taken from you. Choices, events, health, jobs, deaths, devastations and so much more that we handle in our everyday Lives.

If you want, you can do a quick assessment, like a Life review of all that you've gone through. Don't stay there but acknowledge the depth of all that you've gone through. Regardless of your age, we are in epic changing times and yes, many have it a ton harder. This is not about wallowing. This is about acknowledging and gathering your Light back, to bring it to your core essence again. Bring it back. Heal it, breathe it alive again, let tears flow, let catharsis have it's time to unwind in your body so your brain and body chemistry can recalibrate. It does happen. There IS hope!

Do you understand? Between the food chemicals (GMO's), the geo-engineering flooding our skies with metals and microbes, the neuro-endocrine disruptors that weaken our immune systems, disrupt all of our hormones and our cell's ability to take in nutrients and release toxins, all the political chaos, fear and engineered media mind control, we've gone through a lot. Who benefits?" is what I always say. Taking the long view here. Focus on You for a moment. Your breath, your body, your energy. Bring all your energy back right now to your own space. Right now. Just take a moment. Feel it come back in. Check in a see how whole you feel. Breathe.

If you're one of the ones who've gained weight as I did through all this, I ask: What have you given up on? What has your battle-worn self given up on ever fully realizing in this Life? What joy or Light enhancing aspect of you have you let go of? What dream died? What heart break or betrayal gut punched you? Where is your Light? When did it leave? For many its over a long haul of years or decades. 

A way out and up again: For me, it was during my many sleepless nights (adrenal crashing, NDE and so much more - not fun!). I realized I was at the edge of sliding down a slippery slope of ill health and eventually death, and had to make a choice of some sort. My choice was to "Bend the body" as Paramahansa Nithyananda said. Every morning or middle of the night, instead of laying awake in bed, even when I was doing inner work and meditations, I decided that getting up and "Bend the body" was the path back. I decided to get my body up and out of bed. Out onto the floor and literally bend my body over. It's what i did the first time - just bent over. That was the beginning.

In my former Life, I was an NCAA gymnast and got there without the private coaching or clubs that most other girls had. My will, ability to focus and lightning, laser ability to fully engage my entire being made all the difference. (I also had a great high school coach, Jack Hartog.) "Bend the body". Literally, I bent over and found it was hard to touch the ground. That was the turning point and there was no going back. It was the kindling that sparked something. We'll each have our own kindling and spark. I write this in hopes that if you've lost yours, you'll find it again. Breathe.

Each day, doing One thing that brings our body and our spirit "one note higher" as I teach in training courses. This time however it's physical. Jump starting the body again, like a car that has lost its fire, gets the chemistry, the tissues and cells moving again. Our cells have a consciousness to them and listen to our inner thoughts, emotions, brain states, attitudes about anything and follow our lead. It's time to take command of the ship again and fire those puppies up! Movement - dance, yoga, working out. Listen to your body, go easy and celebrate each one thing that you do to add to your positive energy bank account. One thing each day. If you're a musician and are in bed for the night, realizing you haven't done anything musical, bring your self through visual drills or play your favorite song in your imagination. Getting up and doing it is ideal but not necessary. Do One thing everyday to make your energy align again with your own inner Light. Your joy, your wholeness. One thing - that's not too much to ask for, is it?

Physical movement jump starts your chemistry, your cells, tissues and aligns you again with the literal frequencies your body's ability to move again to rhythms of your inner fire and Light. Like remembering a dance. You reawaken it by moving your body. It's that simpe. Does that make sense? Muscle memory leads to tissue, cell and systems re-calibrating. Your movement literally creates the frequency of the brain state you used to know. You can literally feel the chemistry in your brain, body and whole attitude changing. It's refreshing, inspiring and good. Breathe. 

Imagine your skeleton in everything you do. Skeletal geometries contribute to brain states. Many know this but may not know how important it is right now to remember. Our skeletons are geometries in motion. How we carry them is like a transmitter and receiver with Creation. How you carry your self is a communication with Creation itself. Be aware of this and adjust as you remember. 

Breath..Most of us know how powerful breath rhythms are to changing our mental, emotions, physical and energetic states. Find breath rhythms that work for you. Google them, ask a well-seasoned, wise yoga teacher for some ideas. Do it. Breath is the fuel for the body, even more than food. 

Flouride - yes. It's one of the engineered realities that are meant to take us down. Hitler used it in the concentration camps to make the people more docile, easier to control. It disrupts so much about our health and immune system. It also calcifies our pineal gland - our gland of awareness. Look it up and discern. Who put this in our water? Who makes this part of a dental treatment that has No medical proof? Who benefits from our lack of awareness? Weston Price showed so much about the real cause of cavities (sugar, flour, grains) flouride had nothing to do with being beneficial in any way. 

Marketing campaigns and well-engineered experiences that involve innocent people. Understand, the "ick" doesn't care about you. They wear a facade that you've been trained to believe cares ("Uncle Sam wants you"). They don't.  Dental, AMA folks, Financial, Political and so much more. Yes. It's happening. The "ick" has built a program but in the new, higher vibrational earth energies, it can't hang on and it knows this. It has been a worthy energy to help us to grow up in vibration.

Our goal and dream we saw and see? It can take a generation or more to actually happen. We who are coming back again, and many of us are. We will be birthed into a higher vibration that we helped create. Celebrate the timelessness of the soul. Seeds of Light are what we are planting now. Awaken your Inner Fire, your inner Light again my friend. It's time. Hope any bit of this helped. 
